Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blogging on Education...What a Combination.

Well, it has been a couple years now and many things have changed.  One thing has not however, technology is quickly taking over our educational system.  In many ways, that can be a good thing.  However, there are cases where abuse is running rampant.  Traditional educational values and skills are being replaced by a dependence on technological equipment.

Some basic examples of this include the elimination of teaching spelling.  Please correct me if I am wrong, but many students and teachers tell me we are not teaching spelling.

Other such topics will be coming in future posts...Have a great night.

Friday, October 29, 2010

My UDL, DI & Technology Experience

My UDL, DI and Technology Experience
This has been an exciting course. I have picked up many new ways to employ technology in multiple forms at the same time. Through UDL and DI, my students will be able to receive information, process it and then generate multiple forms of output that can measured for assessment and grading. With the flexibility of UDL, DI and technology, my students have already begun to employ these skills in the development and publication of our school newspaper. We are a small team, but we all bring a diverse number of resources to the table. With us working together, we can get large amounts of articles completed in a short period of time. We also get interviews, pictures, games and others newspaper pieces done because we are doing things we enjoy doing.
Going forward, we will also be looking into adding a video component that will be responsible for generating a live news feed from our web site. This will just be one more component of our UDL, DI and technology classroom. Through the use of a flip video that I will soon purchase for the school we will be able to shoot direct digital video and sent it straight into our Adobe Flash video production software.
Before this class, I was quite stubborn about using UDL and DI. Not because I did not support the program, but because I did not see how it could be used in my school. After learning more about it in this class though, I have gained a new understanding that even at my school it can be used. I am in a challenging school. We have a huge migration rate. Our students are extremely distressed financially. Many of them never see a computer unless it is my computer lab. I am so thankful for this class, now I understand that I will be able to use the UDL, DI and technology no matter where I end up or at whatever level I will be teaching in the coming years.
Anyway, it has been a wonderful time in this class and I cannot wait to finish up this this program so I may begin the next stage of my academic career as a Doctoral candidate here at Walden University. I am planning to enter the Ph.D. in Education – Technology Education program with a specialization in the study of Distance Learning of some sort. This is in no means set in stone, but it is something that intrigues me and the Florida Virtual High School would be a great place to start studying.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Game Plan Reflection

Game Plan Reflection
OK…This has been a wonderful learning experience over the past 7 weeks. It has allowed me to do something that most have probably not had the opportunity to do. I have actually been able to apply my parts of my plan in practice in the beginning of the new school year. In just the past week, I have begun collaborating with fellow teachers on a much stronger situation.

This has been a wonderful experience. I cannot wait to try the rest of my plans that have been created and modified through the help of classmates here at Walden. This should make for an exciting year in my computer lab as I then eventually train my students to do the same in planning and training themselves to plan for longer times.

Thank you for all your assistance. Keep in touch through the blog. I will certainly do the same. Have a great short break and I look forward to seeing many of you in the final bundle of classes as we near the completion of our Masters of Science Technology Integration in the Classroom degree. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Linking NETS for Students and Teachers

NETS-S and NETS-T are intertwined. Just as we as teachers need to better ourselves in the use of technology in the classroom. So do we need to concentrate on how well we know things over how well our students are learning things? No, those two things go hand in hand. Just as I mentioned in my GAME plan, I often learn best when I am doing hands-on work with my students. Working together makes us both better.

At the same time, I will have my students come up with their own game plans. It will be an enlightening experience for them as they consider for themselves, what they know and wheat they need or want to know. We will start with some guidelines as to what kind of change we are looking for, but eventually, the plans will each be unique to each and every student. Once I have those students’ game plans, I can then design the technology learning based on what the students want to learn and need to learn.

Our first part of the game plan will be to determine which part of the Lions Den newspaper they wish to work on. I will have a list of topics to start with like: news, current evens, sports, comics and other obvious ideas. Once we start working on the game plan, students will add topics, and ideas.

I am putting this up early. I look forward to your replies.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Extensions from original GAME Plan

 What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice? What goals are you still working toward?

With the restoration of my previous job and my incorporation of new technology, I have begun to learn and understand many of my academic goals. One of the best changes is to have communication amongst teachers at their leisure. I will be establishing an academic wiki that is linked to our school site. Teachers will be given rights to add in information or correct posts when available.

As for the links to administration, there is still work to do. We took care of one problem through an email option, but perhaps through even more open doors, we will cure any ills that still exist at my school.

 Based on the NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?

I am not ready to add any new goals at this time.

 If you are not ready to set new learning goals, how will you extend what you have learned so far?

I will continue to extend my learning by employing what I have learned in my computer lab this coming year. As we begin a new school year, I will have students up and learning in my technology amphitheatre. I will be including cable in the classroom, Netflix, webcasts, video conferences between buildings, and as many other things as I can find. When students complete my course, they will be familiar with not only the basics of computers, but also the use of applications in their regular classroom.

 What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?

Trial and error always works for me. I love to come up with lessons and if they succeed, awesome, but if they fail, then they go in the “round file.” I am never personally attached to my lessons. There are so many tools out there for students to try and learn from that it may vary from student to student on which is the workable technique.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New Ideas for My Game Plan

• How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?
My actions thus far have been successful. I have been renewed as well by my job being restored. I do not know how yet. Perhaps I will find out how, perhaps not? As I prepare for the coming year, I have been and continue to be switching my lessons over to the format we have used in this and the previous class. All I have to do now is find enough topics to inspire student learning in a self-directed fashion.
• What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
I have learned that students learn best when they are provided a starting point and ending point, but are allowed to find their own way there. Students who are forced to do a particular thing may be coming up short because they are either not interested or they may have a better way to express what they have learned.
• What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
I still need to find a way in my crazy schedule to meet with teachers and include their discipline into technology. Both as I am doing with my own classes, and as they will do when I am not in the classroom. Here is a question: should I concentrate on the technical skills and acquired knowledge of my students, or on the learned material of the entire lesson? I believe it must be a balance of both, but I have been told to make class “fun” or inspiring. Students in my 7th and 8th grade classes get to choose between six or seven exploratory classes.
• How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
I will attempt to include homeroom teachers and their material in my classroom. In a further attempt to do this, I will use technology to assist me. Everything from email to live chats to video conferences, and I may even open up a blog or wiki to allow teachers to post assignments at their convenience.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Game Plan Update

• How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?
My actions so far are just getting back to basics. My position was restored. I am not sure how yet. I will find out some time here in the near future. Starting with designing a framework of material to be learned by students at various grade levels, I will have to come down and write up lessons. Then lessons will have to be linked to grade level curriculum. The priority has to pivot from administration to education.
• What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
I need to organize my lessons into a problem or project based design. Students come to me for an exploratory (optional) class so I need to make the class even more fun and yet educational. At the same time, students still need to know that they are learning material that they can use as they head into high school and further on.
• What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
One question that will always be there is what else is out there? I will never know all that is available for use. I know that. It is an important part of being successful to know when you may need to contact outside sources. Another question would be how many free things can I find that benefit my students? In the same breath, when does it become overwhelming? I do not want to confuse them with over-exposure.
• How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
My current needs are somewhat simple. I need to get that lesson framework designed. From there then, I will work towards incorporating regular grade-level curriculum like the state names and capitals for 4th graders.