Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Game Plan Update

• How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?
My actions so far are just getting back to basics. My position was restored. I am not sure how yet. I will find out some time here in the near future. Starting with designing a framework of material to be learned by students at various grade levels, I will have to come down and write up lessons. Then lessons will have to be linked to grade level curriculum. The priority has to pivot from administration to education.
• What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
I need to organize my lessons into a problem or project based design. Students come to me for an exploratory (optional) class so I need to make the class even more fun and yet educational. At the same time, students still need to know that they are learning material that they can use as they head into high school and further on.
• What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
One question that will always be there is what else is out there? I will never know all that is available for use. I know that. It is an important part of being successful to know when you may need to contact outside sources. Another question would be how many free things can I find that benefit my students? In the same breath, when does it become overwhelming? I do not want to confuse them with over-exposure.
• How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
My current needs are somewhat simple. I need to get that lesson framework designed. From there then, I will work towards incorporating regular grade-level curriculum like the state names and capitals for 4th graders.

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