Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Social Learning in Technology

Social learning theory is not the way to go in today's society. Students are not ready to learn on their own. Even when they first enter college they are still stuck with the need for structure to insure that the necessary information is gained and employed so that a required result is achieved.

Expecting students to learn by socialization is not an efficient or effective way to learn their material. Only in the latter years of college could such a concept be considered, and then only under specific circumstances.

Technology is no real help here. If anything it can be more harmful than helpful. With the access to bountiful information that exists today, teachers have to keep an even closer eye on what their students are exploring particularly when social learning theory is employed.

Let me know what you think. If I am wrong, please set me straight.


  1. Steve,
    Since your not a supporter of social learning, do you not put your students into groups to work on projects? How do you run your classroom? I don't think there is anything wrong with not believing in social learning, but what do you do as a substitute? Interesting view on this.


  2. I understand what you are saying about social learning. I do feel somewhat supportive of your opinion on this. Social learning only works if you are a teacher that uses this practice a lot and has become very good at it. I am with you in viewing that social learning is not a great way to learn.....for many students. Even at the high school level that I teach, I have to be very careful using social learning because many times students are not getting a lot out of it other than gossip. It would take a master level teacher and high level students to make social learning truly effective. I am glad I am not the only one that feels there is a time and place for social learning, and school is not always a good place for this.


  3. I understand your reasoning and thought behind being against Social Learning Theory. I have the same question as others, sort of. Do you ever have your students work together on an assignment or project? Have you veer tried it? I do believe that depending on the age level, some students may not be able to work together. However, I have seen on many accounts in only my first few years of teaching, that it can very beneficial. Maybe even try it with a project and let students decide/give them the option. Then, compare how those in groups did versus those that worked individually. You may be surprised. Good luck!
