Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mr. O's Game Plan Equipment

My resources are not of large quantity. With the Gaggle accounts, I will only need time to get the student e-mails and blogs setup for student management. It will require a few computers in the classroom to allow for student updating and activity. Starting a new Blog or perhaps Wiki will simply require the time necessary for proper site development. As I am getting better at this, it is becoming simpler and quicker for me to take care of this issue.

As an over-arching need for me and students, time management will make a huge difference between the success and failure of almost all my other plan changes. As long as I can keep my online information updated and available to students, I will know that student learning will be able to continue at any point. I know my middle schoolers are receiving daily planners, but I am not sure what the elementary school students are receiving if anything. Perhaps, it would be best if I stocked up on hundreds of two pocket folders that can be easily replaced throughout the school year for each student.

With my virtual field trips, I will be in need of some equipment. I can come in a couple forms. Either a twenty-five or larger inch monitor/TV or a projector that can be hooked my classroom teacher’s computer. Either way, I will set it up so that I can play cable TV in the classroom and movies or videos from various sources like Netflix or TecherTube to the students at any notice. As a further extension, I will need, but also have a webcam that will allow for conferencing with schools and students across the city, state and country.

Money needed is minimal. A few hundres would do it.

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