Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mr. O's Game Plan

Mr. O’s Game Plan

As I Am Now

Let’s start by looking at each of the NETS-T standards for any possible weaknesses that could be addressed here. Under standard one, sub-standard “d” dealing with collaborative knowledge and structure is a place where I could use some skill development. It is not a matter of I cannot do it, it is simply a matter of knowing or learning what to use in the new age we are in now. There are so many options ranging from email to video conference to voice threads that it is sometimes hard to know where to begin. Another one that I can use some updated help with is not so much a weakness as it is a search for ideas. This is standard two, sub-standard “b” where teachers are to allow and encourage students to take control of their own time management and skill development. Here is another area for improvement, standard four, sub-standard “d.” In this area, I need to expand outside my lonely little school. I need to learn to collaborate with teachers and other classes around the country and globe. I would be remiss if I ignored any part of standard five. All of these sections are open to improvement. As a teacher, it is incumbent upon me to keep growing and changing as the technology and learning styles change.

Moving Forward

One way to improve my collaborative skills would be to pick a method or two and run with them. Once they have been mastered, then perhaps add another one. For example, I am considering the use of Gaggle email for my class and a blog for my students. Are there any other ideas? In my next search for improvement, I will be providing students with digital time management option, but my resources are limited. Ideas here would be greatly appreciated. Something that will help students learn to understand how to make the best of their time throughout the school day and at night doing homework. A planner would work, but I am not sure how you would link that to any sort of technology standard. How do I work on this one? In this new age, teachers must be the access point for many students who cannot see outside a twenty square block area that is the home of almost all our students. In this effort, I will be showing them and taking them on virtual field trips as often as possible. I am sure that sites like Time For Kids, Discovery and National Geographic will be a good start, but I am looking for more. Where can I go today? With learning standard five, I am looking for ideas, groups to join, sites to visit and so on. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

How Will I Evaluate

My evaluation of growth will be an ongoing thing. On a daily, weekly and monthly basis, I will do self-checks and ask for input from colleagues at school to see what they may have noticed concerning changes in my technical teaching abilities and that of the students they may also have. Because evaluation is a key to improvement at any level from students to doctors, it is important to remember that input can come from anywhere. So be open to receiving comments, they can serve as a spectacular guide.

How Will I Extend

In simplest terms, my game plan will never end. Yes, there will be breaks, with successes and failures, but learning and living will be continuous with me. Hopefully, I wil be able to encourage others around me to do the same. If I can do that to just one other teacher or even current student who becomes a teacher then my work was a success.

My Initial Recommendation

If you have not seen or checked out my school site, it is at: Under that is a section on “Talking Technology” where there are numerous web sites on subject matter, professional development and so on. Please feel free to check it out. I look forward to hearing back from any and all of you.


  1. Hi Steve,

    I know what you mean by not knowing the best place to start. One of the things that I personally use in my physics course is Excel. I use it when I must calculate a bunch of answers given different input variables. For example, I did a lab based upon friction. It is posted on what I call my tutorial-matrix, so my lower achievers can review the lab as often as possible to figure it out. I include it here. . Now, once the coefficient of Friction was determined, as a class we determined when an object would start to slip as the ramp was tilted using calculation.

    Once they know how to manually calsculate the possible angles at which the object will start to slide, I work with the Computer Technology Teacher to derive an excel program. See

    Through the use of my tutorialsand the recruiting of the Computer Technology instructor, it turns out to be pretty good lesson that the child can view at home at their own pace.

  2. Steve,

    Not knowing the grade level or subject/s that you teach does make it a little more challenging to offer up website suggestions to you. With this in mind I will keep my ideas more generic and not topic specific.

    Whenever I begin a new unit with my students, first grade, I try my best to find a website that allows me to take a virtual field trip or watch a video clip. I find that introducing a unit in this way opens their eyes to the ideas and new concepts that will follow. If it is an art unit I will find a museum website or life science I may use a local zoo or aquarium website. Many sites like these will already have videos and lessons prepared for educators. Then just pick and choose some of the suggestions they offer and your unit will be exciting for the kids and you.

    The technology available in my classroom is very limited and most of my students do not have computers in the home either. My starting point may be quite different from yours because of this. Here are some of the technology tools that I plan on exposing my students to during the year. Not all of them will be hands-on for them for a while, if at all, but if their skills grow enough that will change. I am hoping to establish communication with parents and students through a classroom blog. I also love making powerpoints to drive my lessons. I make them interactive with my students and include a KWL at the end. The KWL will drive internet searches and research to find the answers to the questions the students had. Once the questions have been answered I will add that to the KWL and create a voice thread to close the activity. The voice thread will give the students an opportunity to share their findings with others. The voice thread will be added to the blog once done. Now the families that follow our blog will have an opportunity to follow their child's learning from the convenience of their home or work.

    Even though my students are young I feel that any of these or other suggestions you receive can be elevated to a more difficult or challenging level if necessary. I also agree with you when you say that you plan on sticking to just one or two concepts and develop mastery before moving on to others. I also would recommend always revisiting mastered skills so that they can see how to integrate several skills into their assignements.

    Have fun with technology when you use it in your class. The students will see that you enjoy using it and they will find it more enjoyable for themselves as a result.

  3. Thank you to both of you. These both contain some great ideas. As a former technology coordinaotr, it will be easy for me to see and get new topics. It seems to be a God given gift.

    As for my future, I am not sure where I am going to end up. This is really crazy. My sister is sitting on 3rd grade material before she became a technology specialist, I have some small collections of multi grade-level books and so on, but the UNKNOWN is really a nightmare.

    I will let you know.

    My developing pro page can also be seen at:
